POR JUAN RODRIGUEZ Actualizado el 02 de junio de 2019
Los planos de especialidades,arquitectura, estructura, también llamados planos técnicos o planos para construcción, están llenos de abreviaturas y acrónimos para ahorrar espacio y mejorar la apariencia general de la presentación.
Recordar todo este resumen puede ser complicado, especialmente cuando se agrega al desafío de leer todos los símbolos y descifrar las convenciones que podría utilizar un dibujante o diseñador en particular. Afortunadamente, muchas abreviaturas de planos tienen significados ampliamente aceptados y se utilizan en todo tipo de planos, desde los planos de los planos hasta los dibujos de ingeniería.
A/C: Air Conditioner
ACI: American Concrete Institute
ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992
A.F.F.: Above Finished Floor
A.F.G.: Above Finished Grade
AIA: American Institute of Architects or American Insurance Association
AIEE: American Institute of Electrical Engineers
AISC: American Institute of Steel Construction
AISI: American and Steel Institute ANSI: American National Standards Insitute
ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers A
STM: American Society for Testing and Materials
AWG: American Wire Gauge
B.O.F.: Bottom of Footing
B.O.M: Bill of Material
BOT: Bottom
B.O.W.: Bottom of Wall
BP: Blue Print (or B/P)
Brz.: Bronze
BV: Butterfly Valve
CAD: Cadmium or Computer-Aided Drafting
CBORE: Counterbore
C.C.: Center to Center
C.D.: Construction Document
C.F.M.: Cubic Feet per Minute
CFS: Cubic Feet per Second
C.I.: Cast Iron
CL.: Closet
CL: Center LIne
CLG.: Ceiling
CMU: Concrete Masonry Unit
C.O.: Cleanout
Cont.: Continuous
CRES: Corrosion-Resistant Steel
CSINK: Countersink
CU. FT.: Cubic Feet
CU. YD.: Cubic Yard
D.S.: Downspout
Dia.: Diameter
Dim.: Dimension
DN.: Down
DP: Damp-Proofing, Dew Point, or Distribution Panel
DWG: Drawing
Ea.: Each
ED: Edge Distance
E.F.: Exhaust Fan
EQ: Equal, or Equally
Exc: Excavate
E.W.: Each Way
Ext.: Exterior
FACP: Fire Alarm Control Panel
FAO: Finish All Over
F.C.O.: Floor cleanout
F.D.: Floor Drain
Fin.: Finish
F.F.L.: Finished Floor Level
FL: Floor Level
FRPF: Fireproof
FS: Far Side
FTG: Fitting
Galv.: Galvanized
G.C.: General Contractor
G.F.C.I. or G.F.I.: Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter
GPM: Gallons Per Minute
G.T.: Glazed Tile
Gyp.: Gypsum
H.B.: Hose Bib
HDCP: Handicapped (better if referred to as "Accessible")
HDPE: High-Density Polyethylene
HRS: Hot Rolled Steel HV: High Voltage
H.V.A.C.: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
H.W.: Hot Water
IAW: In Accordance With
ID: Inner Diameter
IE: Invert Elevation
In.: Inch
Insul.: Insulation
ISO: International Organization for Standards
Int.: Interior
Inv.: Invert
J-Box: Junction Box
Jct.: Junction
Jst.: Joist
kW: Kilowatt
LDD: LImited Dimension Drawing
LFT.: Linear Feet
LH: Left Hand
LL: Live Load
LM: List of Materials
Lt.: Light
Ltg.: Lighting
L.V.L.: Laminated Veneer Lumber
MH: Manhole
Mas.: Masonry
MAX: Maxiumum
MBW: Measurement Between Wires
Mtl.: Material
MFG.: Manufacturing
Min.: Minimum
MOW: Measurement Over Wires
NEC: National Electrical Code
N.I.C.: Not In Contract
NOM: Nominal
N.T.S.: Not to scale
OAL: Overall Length
O.C.: On Center
O.D.: Outside Diameter
OPNG.: Opening or Rough Opening
PCC: Portland Cement Concrete
PCS: Pieces
PL.: Plaster
P.L.: Property Line (or Parts List)
Plywd.: Plywood
P.S.F.: Pounds per Square Foot
P.S.I.: Pounds per Square Inch
Ptd.: Painted
PVC: Polyvinyl Chloride
QTY: Quantity
R: Radius
RC: Reinforced Concrete
RD: Roof Drain, Round, or Receptacle Distribution Panel
R.D.L.: Roof Drain Leader
REBAR: Reinforcing Bar
REQD: Required
RH: Right Hande
R.O.: Rough Opening
R.O.W.: Right of Way
Reinf.: Reinforced
San.: Sanitary
SC: Sharp Corners
S.D.: Smoke Detector
Sect.: Section
Sht.: Sheet
Sht'g.: Sheathing
Specs.: Specifications
SQ. FT.: Square Feet
SQ. IN.: Square Inches
SS: Stainless Steel, Setscrew, Soil Stack, Service Sink, or Slop Sink
Std.: Standard
Stl: Steel
S.Y.: Square Yard
T&B: Top and Bottom
T&G: Tongue and Groove
T.O.: Top of
T.O.B.: Top of Beam
T.O.C.: Top of Curb or Top of Concrete
T.O.F.: Top of Footing
T.O.J.: Top of Joist
T.O.M.: Top of Masonry
T.O.W.: Top of Wall
TTC: Telephone Terminal Closet
UON: Unless Otherwise Noted
VA.: Voltage
V.B.: Vapor Barrier
V.I.F.: Verify in Field
W.C.: Water Closet (Toilet)
Wd.: Wood
Wdw.: Window
W.I.: Wrought Iron
W.I.C.: Walk-In Closet
WL: Water Level
W/O: Without
Wp.: Weatherproof
WS: Weatherstripping or Water Stop
Wt.: Weight
Wtr. Htr. : Water Heater